Index of values

comma_sep [Hornpp]
standard comma separation to use for pp_list

empty_list [Clause]
Special value for empty list.

first_state_clauselist [Clause]
first_state_clauselist cl

has_bang [Clause]
has_bang sl
horn_assume_lstatement [Import]
horn_claim_lstatement [Import]
horn_claim_lstatement rl stl f
horn_instr [Import]
horn_instr st lab i
horn_linstr [Import]
horn_linstr st lab i
horn_linstrlist [Import]
horn_linstrlist st il
horn_lprotocol [Import]
horn_protocol sl pr
horn_lsession [Import]
horn_session stl sl s
horn_process [Import]
horn_process init_state pr
horn_signature [Signature]
horn_spec [Import]
horn_spec sp
hornpp_clause [Hornpp]
hornpp_clause sl c print the given clause c using the given symbol list sl.
hornpp_id [Hornpp]
hornpp_id sl i prints the given identifier i using the given symbol list sl.
hornpp_label [Hornpp]
hornpp_label l prints the given label l.
hornpp_lid [Hornpp]
hornpp_lid sl i prints the given located identifier i using the given symbol list sl.
hornpp_literal [Hornpp]
hornpp_literal sign sl l prints the given literal l preceeded by the given string sign and using the given symbol list sl.
hornpp_llabel [Hornpp]
hornpp_label l prints the given located label l.
hornpp_lscope [Hornpp]
hornpp_lscope s prints the given located scope s.
hornpp_lterm [Hornpp]
hornpp_lterm sl t prints the given located term t using the given symbol list sl.
hornpp_ltype [Hornpp]
hornpp_ltype t prints the given located type t.
hornpp_lvalue [Hornpp]
hornpp_lvalue v prints the given located value v.
hornpp_scope [Hornpp]
hornpp_scope s prints the given scope s.
hornpp_tclause [Hornpp]
hornpp_tclause sl c print the given tclause c using the given symbol list sl.
hornpp_term [Hornpp]
hornpp_term sl t prints the given term t using the given symbol list sl.
hornpp_type [Hornpp]
hornpp_type t prints the given type t.
hornpp_value [Hornpp]
hornpp_value v prints the given value v.

intruder_DA [Intruder]
decryption with asymmetric key made of APP with key symbol or made of a singleton list containing an APP with key symbol
intruder_DAPP [Intruder]
decryption with symmetric key made of APP with function symbol which is not a asymetric key.
intruder_DCONS [Intruder]
decryption with symmetric key made of CONS
intruder_DCRYPT [Intruder]
decryption with symmetric key made of CRYPT
intruder_DI [Intruder]
decryption with symmetric key which is the intruder's name (USEFUL ?).
intruder_Dcst [Intruder]
decryption with constant symmetric key
intruder_Dval [Intruder]
decryption with symmetric key which is a constant declared as value
intruder_E [Intruder]
encryption with known key
intruder_F [Intruder]
application of known function symbol
intruder_F1 [Intruder]
inversion of known function symbol
intruder_P [Intruder]
intruder_P1 [Intruder]
left projection
intruder_P2 [Intruder]
right projection
intruder_coerce [Intruder]
coercion functions
intruder_coerce1 [Intruder]
inversion of coercion functions
intruder_empty [Intruder]
is_grounding_state [Clause]
is_grounding_state su st param su a substitution, param st a state

locate_id [Clause]
locate_id s param s an identifer (string)
locate_term [Clause]
locate_term t param t an EVA term

newline2_sep [Hornpp]
double new line separation to use for pp_list
newline_sep [Hornpp]
standard new line separation to use for pp_list
null_sep [Hornpp]
standard null separation to use for pp_list

prologpp_clause [Prologpp]
prologpp_clause sl cl pretty print the given clause cl using the given symbol list sl.
prologpp_tclause [Prologpp]
prologpp_clause sl c pretty print the given tclause c using the given symbol list sl.

rules [Intruder]
list of clauses for the intruder deduction rules

semicol_sep [Hornpp]
standard semicolumn separation to use for pp_list
states_clauselist [Clause]
states_clauselist cl
states_role [Clause]
states_role r sl
string_of_label [Clause]
Litterals and clauses utilities
string_of_llabel [Clause]
subst_state [Clause]
subst_state su st param su a substitution, param st a state

tptppp_clause [Tptppp]
tptppp_clause sl c pretty prints the given clause c in the TPTP format, using the given symbol list sl.
tptppp_tclauses [Tptppp]
tptppp_tclauses sl cl pretty prints the given list of tclause cl in the TPTP format, using the given symbol list sl.
typing_A [Signature]
typing of coercion symbol A
typing_AA [Signature]
typing of coercion symbol AA
typing_P [Signature]
typing of coercion symbol P
typing_SA [Signature]
typing of coercion symbol SA
typing_U [Signature]
typing of coercion symbol U
typing_algo [Signature]
typing the union of symmetric and assymetric algorithms
typing_app [Signature]
typing of APP
typing_cons [Signature]
typing of CONS
typing_crypt_algo [Signature]
typing of CRYPT, variable algo
typing_cst [Signature]
typing of declared constants
typing_emptylist [Signature]
typing of the empty list
typing_intruder [Signature]
typing of the the intruders name
typing_val [Signature]
typing of declared values (ie other constants)
typing_vanilla [Signature]
typing of the VANILLA in this settings, VANILLA is a (constant) function symbol.

unblock [Clause]
suppress block in processes
unblock_messages [Clause]