Module Clause

module Clause: sig  end

exception Clause_error of string * Location.location
Error from EVA input data.
val empty_list : Abstract.eva_value
Special value for empty list.

type htype =
| VOID (*NULL type*)
| PRINCIPAL (*predefined type "principal"*)
| NUMBER (*predefined type "number"*)
| AALGO (*predefined type for asymmetric encryption algo*)
| SALGO (*predefined type for symmetric encryption algo*)
| ALGO (*union of the two above*)
| USERTYPE of string (*type of the specification*)
| BASETYPE of string (*type of the specification declared as basetype, subtype of EVA_USERTYPE*)
| FUN of htype (*type of invertible function symbols*)
| HFUN of htype (*type of one-way function symbols*)
| AKEY of htype (*type of asymetric key constructor symbol (declared as element of keypair).*)
extension of eva_type with types for functional symbols

type state = {
   st_role : string;
   st_label : string;
   st_args : Abstract.eva_term list;
A state is a predicate in the set (role, msg label) applied to a list of terms.

type literal =
| STATE of state (*state*)
| INTRUK of Abstract.eva_term (*intruder knowledge*)
| HONEST of Abstract.eva_term (*for EVA_ATOM_HONEST*)
| TYPE of Abstract.eva_type * Abstract.eva_term (*type predicate*)
| TYPEA of Abstract.eva_type * Abstract.eva_algo (*type predicate for algos (in EVA, algos are not terms)*)
| TYPEG of Abstract.eva_type * Abstract.eva_term (*generic type predicate DEPRECATED*)
| USER of string * Abstract.eva_term (*for EVA_ATOM_USER*)
Literals with different predicates, see Abstract.eva_atom

type clause = {
   cl_neg : literal list;
   cl_pos : literal list;

type tclause =
| AXIOM of clause
| CONJ of clause
| COMMENT of string

Terms utilities

val locate_term : Abstract.eva_term -> Abstract.eva_lterm
locate_term t
Returns a located term made of t.
val locate_id : string -> Abstract.eva_lid
locate_id s
Returns a located id made of s.

EVA Abstract specifications utilities

val unblock : Abstract.eva_process list -> Abstract.eva_process list
suppress block in processes
val unblock_messages : Abstract.eva_linstr list -> Abstract.eva_linstr list
val has_bang : Abstract.eva_lsession list -> bool
has_bang sl
Returns true iff the given list sl of located session declarations contains a bang. Returns false otherwise.
val string_of_label : Abstract.eva_label -> string
Litterals and clauses utilities
val string_of_llabel : Abstract.eva_llabel -> string
val subst_state : (string * Abstract.eva_term) list -> state -> state
subst_state su st
Returns the state obtained from st by appying the substitution su.
val is_grounding_state : (string * 'a) list -> state -> bool
is_grounding_state su st
Returns whether the given substitution su is grounding for the given state st.
val first_state_clauselist : clause list -> state
first_state_clauselist cl
Raises Not_found if there is no such literal
Returns the first positive literal of type STATE (= new state) found in the given clause list cl.
val states_clauselist : clause list -> state list
states_clauselist cl
Returns the list of positive literals of type STATE (= new state) found in the given clause list cl.
val states_role : string -> state list -> state list
states_role r sl
Returns the sublist of states of the given state list sl with the given role r.