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Kerberos V5

Author(s): B. Clifford Neuman and Theodore Ts'o  (1994)

Summary: Distribution of a symmetric key (in a ticket), for communication between a client and a server, with authentication.


This protocol is based on based on the Needham Schroeder Symmetric Key protocol and uses timestamps and nonces to correct the flaw of Denning Sacco.

Protocol specification (in common syntax)

A, G, C, S, U :   principal
N1, N2 :   nonce
L1, L2 :   nonce
T1start, T1expire :   timestamp
T2start, T2expire :   timestamp
Kcg, Kcs, Kag, Ku, Kgs :   key

1.   C -> A :   U, G, L1, N1
2.   A -> C :   U, {U, C, G, Kcg, T1start, T1expire}Kag,
          {G, Kcg, T1start, T1expire}Ku
3.   C -> G :   S, L2, N2, {U, C, G, Kcg, T1start, T1expire}Kag,
          {C, T1}Kcg
4.   G -> C :   U, {U, C, S, Kcs, T2start, T2expire}Kgs,
          {S, Kcs, T2start, T2expire, N2}Kcg
5.   C -> S :   {U, C, S, Kcs, T2start, T2expire}Kgs,
          {C, T2}Kcs
6.   S -> C :   {T2}Kcs

Description of the protocol rules

C is a client,
S is a a server (C wants to communicate with S),
U is a user on behalf of which A and S communicate,
G is a ticket granting server,
A is a key distribution center (trusted server).
The keys Kag and Kgs are long term symmetric key whose values are supposed to be known initially only by, A and G, respectively G and S.

L1 and L2 are lifetimes, N1 and N2 are nonces. T1start, T1expire, T2start, T2expire are time stamps which define the interval of validity of the ticket in which they are contained.

U is a user on behalf of whom the client C communicates. In particular, C initially knows the value of the key Ku.

The key Kcg is freshly generated by A for communication between C and G, and in transmitted to C in message 2, encrypted by Ku, and indirectly to G, in the ticket {U, C, G, Kcg, T1start, T1expire}Kag which C transmits blindly to G in message 3.

The authentificator {C, T1}Kcg is used by G to check timeliness of the ticket.

The key Kcs is freshly generated by G for communication between C and G, and in transmitted to C in message 4, encrypted by Kcg, and indirectly to S, in the ticket {U, C, S, Kcs, T2start, T2expire}Kgs which C transmits blindly to S in message 5.


The protocol must guaranty the secrecy of Kcs: in every session, the value of K must be known only by the participants playing the roles of A, B and S in that session.

A and C must agree on the values of T1start and T1expire.

G and C must agree on the values of T2start and T2expire and T1.

C and S must agree on the value of T2.



Claimed proofs

See also

Needham Schroeder Symmetric Key


Michael Burrows, Martin Abadi, and Roger Needham. A logic of authentication. Technical Report 39, Digital Systems Research Center, february 1989.

B. Clifford Neuman and Theodore Ts'o. Kerberos : An authentication service for computer networks. Technical Report ISI/RS-94-399, USC/ISI, 1994.

Michael Merritt Steven M. Bellovin. Limitations of the kerberos authentication system. Computer Communication Review, 20(5):119--132, october 1990.
last modified 07/11/2002.
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