eva2h1 Translator to compile protocol spcifications in EVA concrete syntax into set of horn clauses in various formats. + Unpack: untar the package file EVA2H1+EVAlib.tar.gz in a directory of your choice that we shall call SRC below (you certainly already have done this if you read this file). It produces 2 subdirectories of SRC: - EVAlib which contains the source and doc of the EVAtrans library, necessary to compile eva2h1 - EVA2H1 which contains the sources of eva2h1 + Compilation: It requires Ocaml 3.06 (ocamlc, ocamllex, ocamlyacc), gnu make compile the EVAtrans library, it produces cmi files and evatrans.cma in the directory SRC type: % make -C EVAlib lib compile the interpreted executable eva2h1 it is left in SRC/EVA2H1 and requires ocamlrun to run, in the directory SRC/EVA2H1 type: % make [optional] compile the native executable eva2h1.opt it is left in SRC/EVA2H1 in SRC/EVA2H1 type: % make execopt To produces doc files (EVA language syntax and semantics etc), see SRC/EVAlib/README + Other optional Makefile targets (type commands in SRC/EVA2H1 ) build html documentation of sources requires ocamldoc % make html prepares the tar archive eva_pack.tar % make tar rebuilt dependencies requires ocamldep % make dep build a tag file TAGS from sources for emacs requires etags % make tags % make clean + Command: eva2h1 [options] file.eva with options: -eva : LAEVA output format -horn : Horn clauses output format -tptp : Horn clauses in TPTP output format (default) -prolog : Horn clauses in Prolog output format -debug : debugging output format -trace : output debug info -help : resume command and options + Files: see SRC/EVAlib/README for a description of the files of the EVAtrans library SRC/EVA2H1/eva2h1.ml sources main, interpretation of command line SRC/EVA2H1/clause.mli SRC/EVA2H1/clause.ml type of clauses and functions of translation of a spec in EVA abstract syntax into a set of clauses. SRC/EVA2H1/hornpp.mli SRC/EVA2H1/hornpp.ml pretty printing of list of Horn clauses in folkloric syntac SRC/EVA2H1/TPTP.mli SRC/EVA2H1/TPTP.ml pretty printing of list of Horn clauses in the syntac of the TPTP library (syntax for H1), see http://www.tptp.org SRC/EVA2H1/prologpp.mli SRC/EVA2H1/prologpp.ml pretty printing of list of Horn clauses in Prolog syntac SRC/EVA2H1/README this file SRC/EVA2H1/Makefile SRC/EVA2H1/.depend dependencies for Makefile SRC/EVA2H1/test/ test files in EVA concrete syntax, for debug purpose